Why Us?

    •  We are ready to cooperate with any company, share innovation and technology for improvement.
    •  We introduce the latest technologies, with which we give the companies an opportunity for flexible management and total automation.
    • Our experience showed that something can be done qualitatively when you provide service to customers with high professionalism. The managing team is represented on the market since 1991 by the name “ORBELI 91”, today the company was reorganized and the company is operating with the name “INNOVA GEORGIA”.
    • Company “INNOVA GEORGIA” is always at its best and introduces modern working standards in products and services. Our door is always open for partners.

Contact us

Our Experience

Experience and much more

Environment – who? Management of our company, represented by a strong team, uses a horizontal strategy in working process, which lets us avoid bureaucratic norms, strict delegation of rights and obligations in vertical process plane, this enables us to take a lot of orders and to offer qualitative, highly appreciated service to parties interested. We have been on the market for more than one year, in this period we have acquired many happy and satisfied customers.

Where? The company is located in eco-friendly place, away from busy city traffic, in Tbilisi, in Samgori District, Kindzmarauli Str., №5. You can virtually any kind of furniture, and then we'll make it and carry them to your desired place. 

With whom? Our team is known for introduction of innovative polity, which will help to strengthen cooperation with companies, in order to make new, very interesting and valuable, projects with concerted effort that are oriented on results.

Action – what do we do? Our company is oriented on creating various values for interested customers, in order to exceed the level of customers’ satisfaction. It can be achieved and for that reason we introduced a portal for material search and reservation www.searchinnova.ge , “3 Cad Evolution“, creation of furniture with any design, programmed machinery, performance of any difficult task, which is related to production of furniture details.

Skills – how do we manage this? The team of the company is oriented on the preservation of high satisfaction in customers. Therefore, each day begins with the attitude that any activity to be performed must correspond to the company’s interests and goal, to help hundreds of companies in transferring the activity processes to automation, planning, management and control of the single-window principle.

Values – why are we doing it? We are doing this to help more and more people to live in houses and apartments with comfortable, qualitative, trustworthy furniture and to boast about their cozy office, hotel, restaurant or any other organization, in which the customer always receives great benefits.

Mission – who are we becoming? The the mission of LLC “INNOVA GEORGIA” is to ensure the well-being of all people with cozy and comfortable modern products, regardless of what they are doing (sleeping, resting or having a meal).

For detailed information, please, get acquainted with the following information, please call: +995 551 50 81 70;
